School is in Session

"Good morning!" "Hey everyone!" "Did you sleep well last night?" "How are you doing today?"

There were many different ways that we greeted each other as we made our way into the classroom on Wednesday morning. But the response to every greeting was pretty much the same.

Moans. Groans. "Oh my gosh I'm so SORE!"

To provide context for our unified misery, I need to back up a couple of days.

Monday morning arrived much the same as any other Monday morning ever has. But for twelve twenty-somethings in Pennsylvania, it was a day we'd had marked on our calendars for months. January 16, 2017 was the official first day of Sight & Sound Conservatory.

Anyone passing through the lobby of the theatre that morning could definitely tell we were the new kids. I grinned as I imagined the other employees rolling their eyes and muttering something like "freshmen" under their breaths. The reality is that everyone thoroughly enjoys the Conservatory students (that's what they've told us anyway!), so if anyone did see us, they probably caught some of our abundant energy. But even if not, we wouldn't have cared in the slightest. Nothing could have dampened our spirits.  

Because this was the day that many long-held dreams began to transform into reality. 

Our first pic of everyone together! (Back from the left) Abby, Aaron, Nick, Amanda, Ellie, Wes & Hannah. (Front) Gabbi, Blair, JT, Emma, and me! 

Our first pic of everyone together! (Back from the left) Abby, Aaron, Nick, Amanda, Ellie, Wes & Hannah. (Front) Gabbi, Blair, JT, Emma, and me! 

Our morning began with a tour around the building. As we were led through the labyrinths of hallways, stairwells, elevators, backstage corridors, and offices I wondered how I'd ever be able to find my way around. It has gotten better since Monday, I am proud to say, but I'm still finding myself using massive amounts of mental energy to figure out how to get from point A to point B. I'm working on it though. 

One of the highlights of the tour was when they showed us the Animal Handling Center. Two huge dogs ran to greet us as we filed in, a German Shepherd and a Sheepdog. A cage on the far wall housed two screeching Macaws, and another was the home of several doves. The use of live animals in the shows is one of the things that sets Sight & Sound apart, and it was so much fun to see the behind the scenes of how they do it and talk to the people who train them. They also told us that if we were ever feeling stressed we could come and play with the cats. I have a feeling we'll be taking them up on that offer. 

Later in the morning we were led out to the Guardhouse to meet the Security guys and have our pictures taken for our ID tags. So now we can open all the secret doors and we basically feel like we own the place. 


That afternoon we were led back into our classroom. We had seen it earlier in the day, but as we entered again we found it was set up with tables, chairs, and a table full of pizza, veggies, and chocolate chip cookies. But the thought of my rumbling tummy fell completely out of my head when I saw the people gathered there. Almost all of our teachers stood around the tables, ready to greet us and enjoy a meal together. 

That's when it hit me. Oh my goodness, this is really happening! We were told later that the energy level in the room skyrocketed with our entrance. That makes sense. We were all over the moon. I only recognized a couple of faces, but they all took some time to introduce themselves and describe the courses they would be teaching. If they'd given me the option, I would have opted to start right then and there. I feel like a blank slate, ready to receive any wisdom and advice and training that these incredible people are willing to give.

When we were finished eating, Jeff Bender gave a short talk. He's the Headmaster and mastermind behind the Conservatory, and he was also the one who did my audition way back in March of 2016. He also encouraged us to have hearts that are willing to serve everyone around us. To wake up each morning and ask the Lord for a servant's attitude. To never let pride or entitlement have a place in our hearts. "When you give," he told us, "you'll be amazed at how much you receive back. And this year you'll want to take in everything you can."


After lunch most of the teachers left, but we stayed in our classroom for a bit longer to do our dance shoe fittings. The Conservatory provides jazz shoes and ballet flats for the students to wear during dance classes. It took a little while, but by the end we were all equipped and ready for classes to really begin. 

It's a good thing too, because the very next morning we began our day with our Ballet Class. We arrived, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and proceeded to learn the fundamentals of this beautiful style of dance. About half way through the class it began to dawn on us how sore we would be the next day. When a bunch of beginners do dozens and dozens of demi pliés, grand pliés, relevés, élevés, and tendus, I think you can understand our Wednesday morning soreness. That's basically the fancy French ballet way of saying half squat, full squat, and calf raise after calf raise after calf raise....When I woke up the next morning my muscles cried out in protest, and I wasn't the only one. We were all pretty jelly-legged for the next couple of days. 

While hobbling about and having your muscles send pain signals to your brain isn't a pleasant experience, we all agreed that, though we were sore, it was a good kind of sore. It meant we had accomplished something.

I've had a smidgen of ballet training in the past, but being back in an actual class was amazing. We all learned so much in just those first 90 minutes. The next day in Musical Theatre was even better. Throughout the week we also had Acting, Sight Singing, Improvisation, Voice & Speech, and Discipleship. Next week we'll add in Singing For The Stage and private Voice Lessons. Later in the year we'll have Storytelling, Theatrical Horsemanship, Stage Combat and more. Not to mention performing in nine professional 2 1/2 hour shows each week. Rehearsals for that start next Monday!

Oh! We also had a couple of Stage Makeup classes this week. This isn't a permanent course, but just took place this week to get us ready to do our makeup for the shows. Seeing my name on an official looking sticker that says Sight & Sound Makeup ONLY made me feel all privileged and professional. So I took a picture of it. That was a good day. 

We've had a couple restful days this weekend and my soreness has gone away, but we pick right back up again with Ballet on Tuesday morning. And I expect we'll do many more pliés. I have a feeling that this is going to be a theme this year. Being sore, being tired, but being extremely happy about it all. Because being worn out means you're working hard. You're growing. You're learning. And in a place like this, you're quite literally preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every song you sing, every combination you dance, and every scene you portray.   

Sight & Sound's mission statement could not be more in line with my own personal goals. To be a performer who works with excellence, and exalts the name of Jesus through word or deed in everything I do.

School is in session. The Conservatory class of 2017 is definitely ready to learn. 





And so it begins…