Kinsey Gebel

When I was nine years old I was cast in my first play. At the time I had no idea how much I would come to love the art of theatre. I acted every chance I got, and throughout high school and college I taught drama classes and directed shows.

I don't know when the dream of running my own theatre first made its way into my heart. It came quietly and softly, but steadily grew. I knew that I wanted to give other students the same opportunities I had growing up. On December 9, 2013 I officially announced the establishment of STAGE Productions. 

I wanted more technical training, so in 2017 I attended and graduated from Sight & Sound Conservatory in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. You can read more about this wonderful program here.  

I believe that theatre isn't only about the stage, the lights, or the costumes. It's about telling stories. It's about creating an experience for your audience: one allows them to encounter a small taste of who they are as a creation of the Great Storyteller. It's about building a community behind the scenes, one that is characterized by kindness, service, and a spirit of teamwork. It's about using our gifts to learn to know our Savior better. My hope and prayer is that STAGE will be defined by these ideas.

I am the wife of the most wonderful young man, Mitchell, and the mother of our sweetest new addition, Wyatt. I’m a lover of all things Disney and all things British. I enjoy nothing more than a rainy day, a cup of coffee, and a well-written book. Some of the best moments of my life have been as a teacher; watching a student's confidence level slowly grow and seeing them come to life on the stage. I’m a follower and friend of Jesus, the Hero of the greatest Story ever told. And I love inventing ways to creatively draw attention to that Story. 
