The Artist’s Call



An event for students to discuss creativity, art, and all that is good, true and beautiful.

Everyone is creative. Whether theatre, dance, music, cooking, painting, gardening, engineering, architecture, homeschooling…we create because we are created. But the performing and creative arts are wreaked with self-focus and hollowness. Could there be a better way? Is there a bigger purpose for creating than chasing that fleeting rush of self-fulfillment? Could it be that creativity is meant to reflect something greater…and that we may find true joy and fulfillment when we understand it?

The Artist’s Call Retreat is designed to refresh everyone involved. As creatives, we must give space and time to reflect on the richness of God’s world and the purpose of our crafts. Throughout the weekend, participants will attend 7 teaching sessions to discuss ideas of art, faith, and creativity. The rest of the time will be spent in reflection, conversation, games, delicious meals, and cultivation of friendships. Over cups of tea or coffee, we will both learn about and experience the good, the true and the beautiful.

Participants will leave, not with more tools for doing what they do better, but deeply inspired that what they do matters. They will be challenged to live out their callings with excellence, passion, and a love for God and others. No matter your level of experience or your medium, everyone will grow by reflecting on the why behind what they do.

Learning this material has absolutely set me free as a creative artist and a follower of Christ. I am not just excited to share these insights with you…I’m longing to do so! I guarantee you will be filled up and inspired to use your gifts in the way that they were created to be used. And that is where the joy is!

Stay tuned for more information, dates, and how to register!


What students are saying:

This workshop is an experience so worth having if you've ever felt a longing for a different world, for an adventure of any kind. You'll leave feeling inspired and confident in your God-given ability to create!

— Lauren

This was about so much more than just art, and feels applicable to anyone — creative or no!

— Madison

“This workshop has opened my eyes so much to the importance of art and the joy of getting to create as we have been created. I have taken it twice and would take it again in a heartbeat!”

— Adelyn