New Elements

Rehearsals have been quite enjoyable lately because we’ve been adding a lot of new elements to the show. Super fun and cool things that I'm really excited to share about.

The first has been the addition of microphones. Everyone in the show is mic-ed (did I spell that right?), no matter how large or small their role. My mic is number 60. This is the faithful little pack that I’ll have all throughout the show run. Yet another official Sight & Sound item marked with my name. Heehee! It does add some new logistics to the process. We have to make sure we arrive in time to get all situated with our mics before rehearsal begins. As cool as I feel being allowed to use expensive, technical equipment, I have gotten it caught on my shirt and in my hair more times that I'd like to admit. That puts a bit of a damper on my level of coolness. It’s been almost two weeks now that we’ve been using them. Before Sight & Sound I only used a microphone once. As stated, the equipment does take some getting used to, but it wasn’t completely new. So yeah, I approve of the mics.

Last week we had “Flotilla Boat Training.” To fully appreciate the greatness of these props, I need to provide some context. Around the middle of Act I Jonah finds himself in the Joppa seaport. This is one of the most impressive scene changes in the show, as the massive set slides out from the wings to cover all of stage right during a musical number. Meanwhile, the fishermen are gliding along on the flotillas on stage left. I won’t always be playing one of the fishermen, but I am a swing for the scene so I got to learn how to drive them. ("Swing" means that I'll fill in if someone calls out sick or is gone for some reason).

That afternoon was a lot of fun. Each boat has a joystick for controlling it, cleverly hidden somewhere on board. They’re designed around the same mechanics as an electric wheelchair. They glide along so smoothly and are pretty easy to guide. We spent a good 45 minutes taking turns as we learned how to work them. Later in the week we learned the choreography track that the boats take during the show. It's not too difficult and it's such a fun portion of the show. Yup. This is definitely my favorite swing role. 

And something else really cool about the boats? They actually rise out of the lift in the middle of the stage, during the scene! Oh, it's so cool. So we also had to learn how to load them down underneath the stage to prep for the scene. It took some trial and error, but they eventually were able to do it in less than 30 seconds. Very impressive. 

Kelsey, Leah, and Cori, three cast members, were nice enough to pose for me during a break in rehearsal. 

Kelsey, Leah, and Cori, three cast members, were nice enough to pose for me during a break in rehearsal. 

The opening for Act II is also a fun segment. It’s called Under the Waves and takes place just after Jonah is thrown overboard. Through the props, lighting and special effects, the audience is transported to the bottom of the sea. The music is beautiful and the entire cast is involved. We were each assigned sea creature “puppets” and learned our tracks for the scene. I got to watch it a couple of times from the back of the theatre and it’s really breathtaking when it’s all put together. It was an enjoyable, low-key day. I was quoting Finding Nemo and singing "Under The Sea" the whole time.

You can imagine that running rehearsals for nearly 60 cast members is daunting. Just our Under the Waves day required cooperation from several different departments. We needed the sets, the props, the sound, the flying rigs...I never cease to be amazed at how organized everything is.

Here's just a few examples. When we first started working in the auditorium, we had seats assigned to us so we would have a place to put our things. The web schedule that is emailed each night is color coded and detailed, plus there’s a phone extension we can call to make sure that everything is correct. One day last week it snowed about 4 inches overnight, so we could call “The 4000” extension to see if there were delays or schedule changes. The roads weren’t too bad though, so we stayed right on schedule!


The masterminds behind all of this organization is the Stage Management Team. I’ve come to appreciate them so much. They’re extremely gracious and they’ll willingly answer any question you may have. 

Lydia and Amberly (plus a hermit crab puppet ;), two members of the invincible Stage Management Team. There are several temporary tables set up throughout the auditorium for computers and things of that sort. They'll be removed when the show run beg…

Lydia and Amberly (plus a hermit crab puppet ;), two members of the invincible Stage Management Team. There are several temporary tables set up throughout the auditorium for computers and things of that sort. They'll be removed when the show run begins, but for now the house is organization central. 

When we’re not at rehearsal or practicing our music and blocking, we’ve been having a lot of fun continuing to hang out together. We’ve also had some great opportunities to spend time with the other cast members. It’s been so much fun getting to know them better and working alongside them. Watching Netflix, grabbing dinner at local restaurants, or going to see shows in the area...there's pretty much always something happening. 

Tuesday was Valentine’s Day and that afternoon Ellie set up a tea party for Emma and I, complete with chai lattes, peanut butter cookies, crackers, grapes, cheese, and a gorgeous bouquet of pink roses. That evening we were invited over to Blair’s host home for a girls’ dinner. Most of us were able to come and we enjoyed a lovely evening of good food, laughter and games. It was such a wonderful day. I could not be more grateful for these fantastic new friends. 

We’re almost at the halfway mark for our rehearsals. We started with a total of six weeks and we’ve almost completed three. I can’t wait to see what other elements we begin adding in the next several days. Costumes will be coming soon (we’ve almost all had our final fittings and they are MAGNIFICENT!) plus lighting, sound, and special effects.

I’m excited to begin to see all of the pieces come together!


Perspectives: Ellie


On Call for Rehearsal